We are in one of our favorite Alaskan campgrounds – Deadman’s Lake about an hour from the Canadian Border. We departed Juneau on La Conte @ 0700, reached Haines at 1130 and followed the spectacular golden hued Chilkat River Valley up into BC and the Yukon. Trees at the lower elevations are still wearing most of their leaves and as we wound up the Pass above tree-line, lichen added their own array of colors among the bare rock and short grasses. A fresh snow line marked the higher elevations and some slush, rain, fog, and sun met our windscreen as we cruised along the clean, mostly vacant roads.
We topped up with fuel at Haines Junction, wearing a mask and using the credit card, being careful not to make any personal contact per our border instructions. Kluane Lake was strewn with whitecaps and we were impressed by the gravel that came off the mountain in a flash flood that had recently put the road out of commission. The Yukon is big, open country and looking at the huge river basin valleys like the Donjek and White made you feel pretty small in the immensity of it all. I stopped at a pullout to take it all in while Robbie walked over to the outhouse, I used the van as a windscreen to water some nearby bushes, and Ella took the opportunity to roll in a bunch of Buffalo dung. Out came the dish soap and water bucket and Ella received a good doggy shampoo not far from Burwash Landing. Anyway, it was quite a day of different vistas, leaving Juneau and making it here back inside Alaska at this beautiful lake.