Traveled 146 miles today from Sitka back up through Peril Strait and the exciting Sergius Narrows. After passing through the rapids we shut down the motor and spun around in the swirls watching the whirlpools twirl. Rounded the corner into Chatham Strait and went into Tenakee Inlet and up to the small town of Tenakee Springs. We weren’t able to use the hot springs because of the Covid quarantine precautions so slowly motored by the town and then over to the opposite shore where we watched a pod of Orcas and two humpbacks lazing on the surface and occasionally fanning the air with their large wings. Checked out Freshwater Bay and then came across to Admiralty Island and set the hook in Hawk Inlet Basin.
Soup for dinner with Cabernet and Malbec and lots of laughs and some philosophy with our new shipmate, Louise, who is coming to Juneau with us. The rain abated early in the day and the clouds cleared to reveal the magnificent stars. We are the only human souls in here and as our man made noises subside the silence speaks in the occasional gentle slap of a wave on the hull and the trickling of all the rivulets draining through the mudflats surrounding us.
Took on 66 gal diesel at 0900 in Sitka- Mileage = 1085.
Arrived Hawk Inlet basin 1830. Mileage = 1231.